How your Hustle brings hope to the fatherless in Haiti

Over the next several weeks, we will be inviting you often to do the Haitian Hustle 5K with us this August. Since the first Hustle in 2011, we have seen God abundantly bless this event every year to meet the educational needs of some of His most vulnerable children.

Why does your participation in this simple event matter? We asked a few of the families and students your Hustle will impact this year what education means to them.

“Without Grace Emmanuel School, I don’t know what I would do.”

“When they were young, their dad left them. They were just 1, 3, and 5 years old. I never heard from their father again.

“Without Grace Emmanuel School, I don’t know what I would do. Some years I can’t even afford new uniforms for them. I do a little commerce every day to try to sustain them. After food, education is my priority for my children. I always encourage them to stay in school and work hard. Otherwise I don’t know what their futures will be.

“Every day I ask God to bless the staff and every supporter because without them my children wouldn’t know the way of school. They wouldn’t be anything in society.”

–Martha, mom to Chilove (4th grade), Marvens Ansley (3rd grade), & Bethsler (7th grade)

“I see hope for his life.”

“I have 7 children, and 4 who are still at home with me. I do laundry to help meet their needs. The little money I earn isn’t even sufficient for us to eat. I am both mom and dad.

“I won’t lie—if it wasn’t for this school, Dieunal wouldn’t have an education. It is not that I don’t know school is important, but the way things are is very difficult for me.

“Every day I see the way he loves school and that gives me great comfort for him. I see hope for his life.”

–Nadège, mom to Dieunal (8th grade)

“Success in school is the only path I have.”

“If I wasn’t at Grace Emmanuel School, I wouldn’t be at this grade level. I am the first child of my mother, and my father did not take interest in me. I have 3 younger sisters and my mom wouldn’t have the means to take care of us and send us to school. I am very grateful for Grace Emmanuel School. Success in school is the only path I have.”

–Yvensky (9th grade)

“He said He will take care of orphans.”

“Our dad died several years ago, and our mom in 2016. We are cared for by our grandma and aunt. We know they love us and are always near to do everything for us, but they don’t have a lot of means. Grace Emmanuel School is God’s grace to us according to His promises. He said He will take care of orphans.”

–Juvena (8th grade) and Juvenson (10th grade)

Will you Hustle with us to “bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ” (Gal. 6:2)? Thank you for helping bring hope to the fatherless in Haiti.