Grace Emmanuel School opened as scheduled on October 7, and met for two days.
The joy of a new school year was quickly dampened by its first closure. Fearing an attack, local fighters barricaded entry points into Arcahaie on October 9, making it impossible for the majority of GES students to get to school.
Though GES had hoped to resume school the following week, on Sunday, October 13, a coalition of 500 gang members attempted to attack Arcahaie. They were held back, but the attack made it clear that taking the city had become first priority for surrounding gangs, who see the historical location as a trophy and have allocated all their resources to take control of it. (Arcahaie was the birthplace of the Haitian flag in 1803 during Haiti’s successful revolution from France.)

With the intent of the gangs now clear, JiHM’s leadership closed school through October and asked staff to evacuate to safer areas.
Then, starting early on Monday, October 21, the coalition of gangs returned in force to the Arcahaie region, attacking from the north, south, and the coast. Gunfire was constant between gangs and local fighters for 40+ hours. The gangs steadily advanced toward the center of Arcahaie, until police backup finally arrived with a few armored vehicles on Tuesday night. It was the closest to a victory in Arcahaie that the gangs have ever had.
In the villages surrounding Arcahaie, such as Bercy and Vignier, gangs destroyed homes, businesses, and cars, burning them to the ground. Many families who lost everything in Source Matelas in 2023 once again lost everything. Thousands have fled from Arcahaie to places like La Gonâve and Gonaïves, or east of Arcahaie into the mountains. Every escape route is dangerous. Certain highways are filled with gangs who will brutally kill anyone, from infant to elderly, and then publish graphic videos of their crimes. There is real concern over food insecurity for people in all of these places cut off from Port au Prince’s food supply.

Though there has now been a one week pause in fighting in Arcahaie, it is only temporary. It would be foolish to attempt to resume any sort of activity there right now.
Grace Emmanuel School’s leadership team continues to be in conversation about what the next steps will be, but there is not yet a clear path forward. School will be closed at least through November. Staff is attempting to contact student families to find ways to assist them, but this is very difficult due to the lack of electricity to charge phones as well as widespread issues with cellular networks and money transfer services.
Please pray for God to make a way for the school, whether that means another relocation or a safe return to Arcahaie. Pray also for opportunities to respond to the current needs of the people right now.
Your giving is still crucial.
Whether school can meet or not, Jesus in Haiti Ministries continues to support students however possible, as well as pay over 70 Haitian staff members each month. Payroll is the largest operating cost of the school. Your partnership is crucial for these families who rely on a JiHM paycheck—or support—during this incredibly difficult time. We are so grateful for your continued generosity.