Despite the darkness in Haiti, Loudenie still shoots for the stars

Loudenie, 18, has chosen to hold tightly to her dreams in the most difficult of times. She has excelled throughout her years at Grace Emmanuel School, keeping her upbeat personality despite every obstacle her country has thrown her way, proving there are virtually no lemons that this girl can’t turn into lemonade.

We are excited to introduce Loudenie to you today as we begin sharing the stories of the 12 seniors who comprise Grace Emmanuel School’s Class of 2024.

A united family

An only child who lost her mom in infancy, Loudenie has been raised by her grandma her entire life. Her dad doesn’t live with them but consistently provides his love and support.

“We are a united and positive family,” she said. “A model family.”

Loudenie with her grandma

Along with her grandma (whom Loudenie just refers to as Mom), she also has a beloved aunt who has poured into her life.

“My Aunt Patricia has always told me to never get discouraged, to keep up with my schooling, and to always have confidence in myself,” Loudenie said.

For several years, Loudenie and her grandma lived directly across from Grace Emmanuel School, in the area visitors may remember as New Jerusalem. It was to this area that Loudenie fled when gangs attacked Source Matelas last April.

“I was in class taking an exam. After I heard all the shots, I ran to our house,” she shared. “I found my mom waiting for me so we could run to her niece’s house in Cabaret.”

Loudenie has since moved twice, now living with her aunt only a couple of miles down the road from the school’s new location.

When her senior year began on September 18, Loudenie was the only student in her class who came on the first day. Most of the student body had opted to stay home because of rumors of a gang attack.

Loudenie, back row with glasses, was one of the only students to come on the first day of school.

“I know that if I want to succeed on the exams, the work begins on the first day,” she said of her decision to ignore the rumors.

A treasured teacher

Her desire to achieve has set Loudenie apart since she began at Grace Emmanuel School in kindergarten.

Loudenie with some of her kindergarten classmates in November 2010. (She is wearing the burgundy ribbons.)

“I’ve known Loudenie since she started at the school in 2010,” said Ruth Louis, who was Loudenie’s kindergarten teacher. “By the end of the school year, she was at the top of her class.”

She has stayed there ever since. Through the years, Loudenie has never failed a class, always knows her lessons, and breezes through exams.

Ruth and Loudenie have maintained a special bond through the years.

Ruth and Loudenie

“I always tell her, ‘I love you,’” said Ruth, “and I always counsel her to keep making a great effort in school. I consider Loudenie to be among the brightest students at school.”

The respect is mutual.

“Ruth is my role model,” said Loudenie. “She inspires me in the way she always works with intelligence and determination. She understands other people and respects everyone. I hope I have the same professional attitude as her.”

Loudenie says her favorite memory through all of her years at Grace Emmanuel School has been helping her class win the Genius Competition in 11th grade.

A steadfast sponsor

Loudenie has had the same sponsor, a college professor in Minnesota, since 2017. The pair have exchanged over 50 letters through the years and built a special bond.

“All of her attention and all the love she has for me has touched me very, very much,” Loudenie said. “I’m thankful for all of her support for all of these years. God will reward her for that.”

“Over my years communicating with Loudenie, I’ve known her to be passionate and persistent,” said her sponsor, Christine. “She dreams big and works hard. She is competitive and is always ready to try something new, whether instruments, sports, or school subjects. In the face of great challenges, Loudenie remains upbeat and determined, committed to trusting the Lord and making the most of each day she has to learn and grow.”

In Loudenie’s most recent letter to Christine, she wrote, “Despite everything strange that has happened in my country, I still remain confident that things have to change. I always find a way for these things not to affect my life too much.”

Loudenie in 2013 and 2023

Shooting for the stars

When asked how she holds on to future optimism despite everything happening in Haiti, Loudenie says two main factors in her life keep her motivated.

The first is her focus on her goals. “My dreams are very big!” she said.

But even more so, she is motivated by the love of her family.

“My family believes in me,” she said, “and I will not let them down.”

After she graduates this summer, Loudenie has two career paths she’d like to pursue. The first is becoming a high school teacher of physics and geology.

Her second goal is to study astronomy. She truly does reach for the stars.

Loudenie asks for your prayers that she can achieve her goals, as well as for a resolution to the situation in her country.

Maudeline Saint Fleur is the secretary for Grace Emmanuel School. Maudeline began at GES as a kindergarten teacher in 2008, transitioning to secretary in 2014. She is an invaluable member of the GES team, called by God to serve Him in this place. Maudeline lives with her husband and three daughters.

Kristi Bucher has served as Communications Manager for Jesus in Haiti Ministries since 2014. She currently lives in Minnesota with her husband, Nathan, and two kids. Kristi and Nathan lived in Haiti from 2012–2014.