First, a huge thank you to everyone for your prayers and notes of concern over the last few days. What a joy it was in the midst of uncertainty to experience such an outpouring of love.
Second, we are so very grateful to report that our area was left largely untouched by Hurricane Matthew. Though we had rain and wind, homes in our areas sustained very little (if any) damage, and we had no damage at Grace Emmanuel School, Victory Bible Church, or the Lighthouse Children’s Home. Bel Fle, the hotel that houses our missionaries and guests, was also untouched.
We are relieved and thankful to God for His grace and protection. Thank you to everyone who followed our updates on JiHM’s Facebook page and commented that you were praying—your prayers were answered!
As we rejoice at life and property spared, thousands of Haitians in the southwestern peninsula are left picking up the pieces of their lives and livelihoods. Some initial reports from Les Cayes and other coastal villages report entire neighborhoods washed away.
Jesus in Haiti Ministries is focused on long-term development and evangelism in a few villages north of Port au Prince, over 130 miles from where the worst damage was sustained. We are not a relief organization, and do not have the skill set nor staff to coordinate the medical response and rebuilding teams that are needed in disasters like these. We pray you are moved to give, and give generously, to help Hurricane Matthew victims—but we are NOT the organization to direct such giving.
We have listed a few reputable Christian organizations below that we know will be directly working with churches and organizations located in the areas most impacted by the hurricane. We encourage you to pray about how God is leading you, and then generously respond.
May God be glorified by how His church continues to respond to Hurricane Matthew.
“In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” Matthew 5:16
With love and gratitude,
Nathan Bucher
JiHM Board of Directors

Suggested organizations to support
Matthew 25: Ministries
Matthew 25: Ministries is an international humanitarian aid and disaster relief organization. They will be mobilizing with on-the-ground partners in Haiti to provide much needed relief supplies.
Christian Veterinary Mission:
One of the longest lasting effects from the hurricane will be its devastating blow to agriculture. After a week or so of aid, Christian Veterinary Mission will start to help people in the stricken areas with grants to get their agriculture going again—planting, animals, whatever they need.
Mission of Hope Disaster Relief
Mission of Hope is leading a disaster relief initiative in coordination with over 500 indigenous partner organizations across Haiti through its HaitiOne network. MOH is preparing to provide 35 million meals, 350 million units of water, 750,000 temporary shelters, and medical care for 280,000 patients.